of Montreal - Our Love Is Senile

Our Love Is Senile by of Montreal Song lyrics

So now she's turning the corner
Wants to leave me again.
Though it's sad I really should want her
You can only break up so many times
Before losing us to insanity
Without becoming far too cautious
On how can we continue
If you're telling the truth
Then I'll stand up and lead you.

So now she is getting tired
Wondering if it's a peak or press a ??
How to laber forward
When her man is a mess and never there.
So sadly it eaten an hole pie, but
It's much worse to gather in silent
Because all night, just a villainy
We need laughter, happiness, madness

Our LOVE is senile
Like a blind child bumping into walls.
Say it's not guilt keeping us together,
How can we support each other's wills.
Our LOVE is senile
Like we don't recognize each other.
Somehow we realized to BEING strangers,
The scout got lingered ties at our secret rom
Now it's time to play the social list
And protect our little chick from
Our problems and confusion
It's evazive, this is no solution.